Welcome to My Portfolio!

Hello! This my portfolio for Writing for the Sciences.

This site is very user-friendly and has all the assignments that I have done throughout the semester. However, if you find yourself lost, I have an easy to follow site guide listed below.


Website Guide:

  1. The Self-Assessment Essay as well as the Pre-course Reflection are found under the Welcome to My Portfolio! tab.
  2. The New York Times Reflection is found through clicking on the NYT Summary & Analysis tab. The NYT Summary Peer Review, NYT Summary Final Draft, as well as the NYT Analysis Final Draft is found under the NYT Summary & Analysis tab.
  3. The General Audience Reflection is found through clicking on the General Audience Essay tab. The Audience Peer Review as well as the Audience Final Draft is found under the General Audience Essay tab.
  4. The Group Lab Report Reflection is found through clicking the Lab Report tab. The Process Description, Lab Report Final Draft, as well as the Poster is found under the Lab Report tab.
  5. The Annotated Bibliography Peer Review as well as the Annotated Bibliography Final Draft is found under the Annotated Bibliography tab.
  6. The Annotated Bibliography/Literature Review Reflection is found through clicking on the Literature Review tab. The Literature Review First Draft as well as the Final Draft is found under the Literature Review tab.
  7. The Extra Credit assignment based on a poster board is found under the Extra Credit tab.